I’m still talking about the Reform Symposium to anyone that will listen. I am so thankful to the people that took the time to organize, and present at the RSCON3. Any one who will listen can’t believe that something like that was offered to educators for free. I explain how I could be an active participant by adding to the chat feed, or putting my hand up and getting mike privileges if I had a question I wanted to ask with my voice instead of my keystrokes. I think being new to Twitter in the past couple of weeks made me appreciate the amazing educators that are out there. It is because of Twitter that I was aware that the conference existed. I learned so much this weekend.
What I love about the conference is that every session was recorded and will soon be posted on I tunes. I am so eager to re-listen to those that totally inspired me, and listen to those that I had to miss due to time differences or prior commitments. I also love that most of the presentations can be found online. I like how everyone shared their Twitter names so I could quickly add them to my growing list of people I follow. I liked a lot about the conference.
My two issues with the conference have nothing to do with the amazing organizers and presenters. I didn’t like that the conference was on the first sunny weekend that we Vancouverites have had all summer. But the conference was so good that I for went the sunshine for learning. I also didn’t like that the conference was right in the middle of my summer vacation. I’m not back at work until Sept 1 so while I have all these amazing ideas I want to implement in my classroom, I can’t actually implement them for at least another month. But really, neither of these beefs have anything to do with the organizers and presenters. I can’t thank them enough for their generosity of time and knowledge.
So, where do I go from here? I’ve set myself a few goals that I feel are achievable and accomplishable this school year.
I will set up a class blog with my grade one class this year. I hope to have a blog that the parents of my students can go to see what we are doing in class, and that the rest of the world can check out too.
I will take the time to learn as many Web 2.0 tools as I can that can either benefit my teaching, my students learning, this blog, or my class blog.
I will continue to differentiate my teaching because I believe so strongly about it, but I will look even more closely at how I go about differentiating.
I will provide more opportunities for my grade one students to show me what they know in the manner that they are most comfortable with.
I will book the “free” lab time more often as well as bring the laptops into my classroom much earlier than term three.
I will look for grants to get more technology into my classroom, and into my school.
I will read as many blogs as I can, and comment as often as possible.
I will be willing to help anyone that can use my help.
I will have my class fully participate in the Post Card Project.
I will try my best to instill in my students that they can feel, imagine, do and share.
I will be a change agent.
So pleased that you found #rscon3 worthwhile and that you've set goals for the fall. Amplification in practice. Nice.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post. Comments like your's are a real encouragement to the organisers and presenters at these conferences: it's nice to know that we are empowering others. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Karen! You're right - RSCON3 was so darn inspiring! Amazing people, educators, professionals, learners: incredible! It was amazing to have so many like-minded people together. It really didn't matter that it wasn't "in person". I actually loved that it was presented the way it was - made it easy to be a mom, and catch what I can. I can't wait to listen to the archives! AND I can't wait for RSCON4!
ReplyDeleteI think your goals are completely do-able! I need to really think about my goals and write them down as well. It is so important to write down goals like that!
I love your goals! I just spent today doing some goal setting and it's so encouraging to read the goals of others (or see others willing to share theirs as well!)