Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Making Thinking Visible: The Power of Voice

This past summer I had the privilege of sharing a three minute showcase with my Global ADE colleagues on Making Thinking Visible: The Power of Voice.  Here is a copy of that presentation.

Making Thinking Visible: The Power of Voice from Karen Lirenman on Vimeo.


  1. Very impressive! I teach grade 1 on the island. I just found your blog and am very excited to learn from you:)

    1. And like wise I'm excited to learn from you too! Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I am excited to get this school year on the road. :-)

  2. Love your ideas! What app did your students use to demonstrate their understanding of solid figures? Thanks for sharing!

    1. While there are many apps that can be used to add voice to digital and non digital work my students go to app is Draw and Tell by Duck Duck Moose. It's very early years friendly. When you touch the screen as you record the blue dot appears.

    2. I just realized there were two different solids examples. The first was collection of photos from the iPad camera, put into skitch to label her images, then each image was put into draw and tell to add her voice and the pointer, and finally the images with voice/pointer added were put together to create the movie in iMovie. The second example is just a photo of her work, uploaded to Draw and Tell, and talked about there. I hope this helps. Karen

  3. I love all of your posts! I'm an Instructional Technologist in Texas and i use your videos and posts to inspire our teachers! Thanks for sharing all of your hard work!

    1. Thank you Jessica. I know what I know because people have shared with me. Consider it giving back into the system. I am thankful you are sharing my resources too. I hope others are finding them helpful.
